Voyages of Discovery :: Schedule of Presentations


Here follows the schedule of presentations for the Voyages of Discovery event. Click here to view all presentations in a Block Display.
Click here to view the list of mid-day Poster Sessions.

11:00-12:00 Lady Rosina von Schaffhausen
(Victoria Sapko, Ph.D.)
3D Geometric Art in the Renaissance

11:00-12:00 Lord Gideon
(Andy Strassmann)
The Jewish near-knights of Christian Portugal, or Why is this knight different from all other knights?
Contrary to the stereotype, there were landed Jews who provided knight-like (mounted, armed, and armored) military service to the kings of Christian Portugal during the 12th through 15th centuries, historically justifying having openly Jewish fighter personae from that period. This presentation summarizes their origins, the three conditions that let them exist, and tips for portraying such a persona on the battlefield.

Where/when medieval Jews fought: An ongoing original research project
Medieval Jewish fighters did indeed exist. Since 2006 I have been researching/building what will someday be a complete, solidly documented list for SCAdians seeking a historically supported Jewish fighter persona. This is challenging original research because there are no Authoritative Reference Books on this topic, only pieces of the puzzle scattered in different places, in different languages, where commentators draw contradictory and often biased conclusions from the few surviving primary sources. This presentation summarizes my findings to date.”

11:00-12:00 Lady Aaradyn Ghyoot
(Erika Morton)
Building Scrolls without a Book of Hours
What? No Book of Hours? Yes! Learn how to use period artwork to build scrolls and break into a new area of creativity. We’ll look at traditional graphics layout techniques and how to apply them to period scrolls using various sources for artwork. We’ll also look at how to make it all documentable.

12:00-12:30 Lady Bronwen Rose of Eastham, called Brose
(Alice Leber)
14th Century Enamels

12:00-12:30 Lady Safiya Shirazi
(Jessica Voloudakis)
Persian Influences on the City of Peace
A discussion of the extensive Persian involvement in the rise of the Abbasid Caliphate and the development of the city of Baghdad.

12:00-12:30 Mistress Judith Fitzhenry the Uncertain
(Dyanna Flynn)
A Virtual Storybook Petting Zoo
Late Period Stories and Story Collections Online

12:30-1:30 BREAK FOR LUNCH


Baroness Alesone Grey
(Wendy Marques)

Don Donovan Shinnock
(Timothy Walsh)
Comparative Fencing Postures

Mistress Judith FitzHenry the Uncertain
(Dyanna Flynn)
Recovering Jests and Stories

Mâitre Lucien de Pontivy
(Myra Hope Eskridge)
Wood and Strings: Musical Instrument Acoustics

Lord Magnus Hvalmagi
(Peter Olsen)

Mistress Nataliia Anastasiia Evgenova Sviatoslavina vnuchka
(Mary Ellen Hurd)
Recreating a 16th Century Paintbrush

1:30 Naomi bat Avraham
(Naomi Hampson)
From Underwear to Gutenberg: the rise of moveable type printing.
Why did it take until the second half of the 15th century for moveable type printing to be developed? A number of technological, sociological, and fashion changes all converged to make moveable type printing not only possible, but necessary. This talk will trace those changes and explain how underwear ultimately led to the printing revolution.

1:30-2:30 Lady Raziya bint Rusa
(Beth Burdick)
From Hollyhocks to Rosaceae and a feast of plants in-between
An exploration of Persian Flora

1:30-2:30 Mistress Nicolette Bonhomme
(Barbara Broughton)
How changing textile technology affected weave structure in the Middle Ages

2:30-3:00 Lady Ysemay Sterling
(Sara Buchter)
Preparing Fabric for Banner Painting
Preparing linen fabric for painted banners using Cennini’s Il libro dell’arte from the 15th century in conjunction with information based on extant 15th century painted banners. This is a presentation of experimental archaeology and will address misconceptions about medieval heraldic banners.

2:30-3:00 Mistress Lakshmi
(Beth Kelly)
Artist from Another Life
What does it mean to become an artist of an unusual performance art form that transcends culture and even time itself? This presentation will cover the experience and lessons learned of training in a classical performance style that is far from home. This will be a guided discussion and presentation of an adult lifetime spent in the pursuit of ancient dance dreams across continents and culture.

Topics for the discussion include:
– the process of finding knowledge – finding a teacher, making practice a lifestyle
– joining a culture – how do you perform, learn, and convey a culture that isn’t yours?
– interpreting for your culture – how do you explain it? what are giving both on and off stage?
– what do you get – what are the unexpected benefits? what do you bring to the rest of life from this endeavor?

3:00-3:30 Lady Anna Dokeianina Syrakousina
(Angela L. Costello)
Suetonius’ View on Domitian: Deconstructing an Imperial Portrait
A comparative analysis of texts contemporary to Suetonius’ “Twelve Caesars” in attempt to get to the bottom of this seemingly evil emperor.

3:00-4:00 Sir Michael of York
(Michael Tighe)
Volcanism and Medieval Weather

3:00-4:00 Baroness Alesone Grey

3:30-4:30 Mistress Sarah Davies
(Lisa Evans)
Impruneta Cushion and medieval patchwork

4:00-4:30 Master Peregrine the Illuminator
(Michael F. Moore)
Building a Dome on Air
The Dome of the Cathedral of Santa Maria Del Fiore in Florence, Italy stood as the largest dome in the world for over 400 years: hear stories of the artists who competed to design it, and the genius who knew how to build a dome on air.

4:00-4:30 Lord Gun∂ormr
Roll up your dead: The Medieval Mortuary Roll
From the the 8th until the 16th century the sending and amending of mortuary rolls was an important part of monastic life. These manuscripts preserve a snaphot of religious and calligraphic practices as the rolls traveled from monastery to monastery, gathering notes, prayers, poems and occasionally pictures along the way. This will be a brief introduction to the genre, with reference to some notable examples.

4:30-5:00 Lady Elysabeth (Lissa) Underhill
(Lissa Underhill)
Recreating an Anglo-Saxon Glass Bead Necklace

4:30-5:30 Countess Marguerite inghean Lachlainn
(Kathy Journeay)
Discussion Salon: Living Citation vs. Living History. or Academic Responsibility in the SCA
Citing previous research in documentation or arts and sciences displays is expected, but what are our obligations to cite our sources whilst we are in the middle of the living history aspect of our game? What is the performer’s obligation to educate their audience, the fencer’s obligation to explain the source of a particular stance? Is there a difference between presenting sources at an event where the audience is SCAdians versus presenting at a demo? What is the appropriate format for giving credit to previous research under these circumstances? How can we cite our sources without breaking the flow of what we are doing?

4:30-5:30 Lord Magnus Hvalmagi
“Ale If I Have It, Water If I Have No Ale”
A Case for Non-Alcoholic Grain Beverages in the Early Middle Ages

5:00-5:30 Lord Iwain de Vassey
(Graham Voysey)
Production and Refinement of Bloomery Iron

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